Score More


This program puts you much above the rest of the students by equipping you with Scientific Learning Skills: How to Study, When to Study, Where to Study, Sitting Posture, Lighting arrangement, Direction of sitting, Waking up early, Brain Activation, Peak Concentration Techniques, Study Planning, Speed Reading & Writing, Exam preparation & presentation techniques and High Score secrets. After attending this program, you can score at least 10% more in each paper! A real boon to every student !

Score More [Recorded Sessions]

Eligibility: 9th Std. & above
Focus Skills: Speed reading
Overcoming Exam fear
Study methods
Exam preparation
FF notes
Duration: 14 hrs. + 2 live sessions.
Schedule: 14 sessions each 1 hr on alternative days + 2 live guidance sessions
What is so special: 100 Scientific Study Techniques
Fees: Rs. 3950 ( inclusive of training materials )

Workshop content:

  • Brain activation
  • Peak Concentration Techniques
  • Speed writing
  • Learning skills
  • Handwriting Tips
  • Memory Techniques
  • Study Ambience ( Physical & Psychological )
  • Exam Presentation
  • Self-hypnosis